Lun-Ven 9:00/13:00 - 14:00/18:00
Lun-Ven 9:00/13:00 - 14:00/18:00
Our Services

Top-Quality Solutions for Condos, Rentals & More

Sanitizing your living space requires utmost effort, patience and sufficient knowledge about the cleaning products. Once you hire our service, you can leave all the issues on your back seat. Our highly trained staffs are equipped with state-of-the art equipment to make your property spic and span.

Why Book Our Residential Services?

  • Daily office cleaning for many types of offices
  • Carpet cleaning and flooring maintenance
  • Friendly 24/7 customer service


Il protocollo di pulizia e manutenzione dei ventilconvettori di IC Servizi prevede:

  • Uso esclusivo di prodotti specifici
  • Asportazione della copertura esterna
  • Rimozione dei filtri
  • Pulizia dei filtri e degli spazi all'interno degli uffici adibiti dal Cliente, tramite specifici detergenti che prevengono e rimuovono la formazione di biofilm e colonie batteriche che determinano cattivi odori e inquinamento ambientale
  • Rimontaggio dei filtri
  • Rimontaggio della copertura esterna
  • Il Consorzio IC Servizi effettua il servizio di pulizia fan coil, applicando le disposizioni e le regole previste dalla normativa vigente e riguardante la sanità e la salubrità dell'aria, assicurando un risultato efficace, in grado di garantire il benessere necessario all'interno di spazi indoor.

    Richiedi servizio
    Our Pricing

    Residential Sanitizing Services Rates

    There are companies that offer package pricing, flat rate pricing but we have over 25 years experience with in-home estimating and can quickly assess the time required for a cleaning for you. We believe flat rate pricing or package pricing over-inflates the price to cover for inadequacies in estimating.

    Benefit From Our Affordable Prices
    • If you require a domestic cleaner or house cleaner on a weekly or fortnightly basis, the cost starts from $15.00 per hour.
    • A deposit will be required for our “one-off” cleaning service.
    Residential Services Price
    Mattress Sanitizing from $150
    Furniture Sanitizing $750 - $1,000
    Carpet Sanitizing $50 - $75
    Whole Home Sanitizing
    Air Duct Cleaning $750 - $1,000
    Drape Sanitizing $150
    Furniture Upholstery Sanitizing $50-$80
    Gutter Sanitizing $150
    Roof Sanitizing $250 - $300
    Wall Sanitizing Service $650 - $700